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Awarded the distinction Jaume Vicens Vives in 2005 for university students

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For several years, has been drawing the new dimensions that focused on Internet information technology opens the educational system. The Internet as an educational tool is increasing rapidly. The use of Internet for educational purposes is a field open to reflection and research. Are new scenarios, new learning environments, which pose new challenges to the technical and educational and Professor of researchers have collected.

Project Evaluation and Continuous Improvement of Education (ACME) was born a few years ago with the aim of improving the teaching of mathematics studies of Industrial Engineering and Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona , seeking greater involvement and participation of students in this area, making use of ICT, specifically symbolic computation programs and the Internet as a means of communication.

The ACME project is currently constituted by what we have called Continuous Assessment System (CAS) and support systems to solve problems (SARPs). The first aims to undertake a continuous assessment efficiently, assigning each student a personalized collection of exercises that will automatically send the correct answers via the internet, and the second aimed at students with a system of study and self learning. They allow the teacher to track detailed subject or subjects that make use of communication and lead teacher - student.

Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics - Polytechnic School - University of Girona